How balanced is your brain? This question isn’t supposed to be an insult or a scare tactic. Your brain’s natural balance could be off if you sometimes struggle with: ~ Moodiness, depression, isolation, and\/or negativity – ~ Anxiety, fear, conflict avoidance, and\/or difficulties with physical coordination – ~ Problems with attention span, focus, organization, and follow through – ~ Worrying, obsessing, and\/or rigid thinking or behavior – ~ Temper flare-ups, rapid mood shifts, memory problems and\/or learning problems – If any of these sound familiar, EFT might help.
EFT helps to balance the brain
Dr. Daniel Amen wrote an extraordinary book called Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, where he describes what’s happening in different portions of the brain whenever we experience these along with other challenges.
He firmly believes that these conditions might be changed and healed, and he offers many ideas and suggestions on how to assemble balance them. Using EFT, we may initiate these changes easily and quickly, and experience immediate relief. With practice, I believe we may create lasting positive changes in the way our brains function. Why I wrote this book: I read Dr. Amen’s book in the year 2006 and was blown away by how many of his examples I could relate with. You will learn the fundamentals of EFT, and you will have an opportunity to fill out a detailed check-list of symptoms, thoughts, emotions, and patterns to assist you to determine where EFT can be the most helpful to you.
You will also have fully programmed EFT rounds for use on a daily or weekly basis, and over 190 pages of specific EFT rounds that direct each item from the initial checklist. You will also get details about additional resources. To help balance your brain and find significant relief.
THE FIVE SYSTEMS OF THE BRAIN: I’d strongly recommend that you read Change Your Brain, Change Your Life from cover to cover in order to get the full picture of how a brain works, what occurs when it’s out of balance, and how to optimize your brain function. Being connected to others is important to mankind, yet when this part of the brain is in disarray, people struggle with moodiness, depression, isolation, and negativity.
Balancing and soothing this part of the brain could make a profound difference in your connections with yourself and others, and in how clearly and positively you’re able to view your life.
The Basal Ganglia Anxiety and Fear
The Basal Ganglia Anxiety and Fear: The basal ganglia, large structures deep inside the brain, control the body‘s idling speed. When this part of the brain works too hard, nervousness, panic, fearfulness, and conflict avoidance are usually the result. When it’s underactive, people frequently struggle with concentration and fine motor control problems. Balancing this part of the brain helps you stay clear and calm, and respond to challenges and circumstances in your life with greater ease and peace. The Prefrontal Cortex Attention, Focus, and Impulses: The prefrontal cortex, at the front tip of the brain, is your supervisor, the portion of the brain that can help you stay focused, make plans, control impulses, and make good decisions.