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Explains the mechanism by which the human tongue feels the taste


Tongue. The tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a fold called the lingual frenulum. An inverted V-shaped furrow termed the sulcus terminal divides the upper surface of the tongue into the anterior oral part and posterior pharyngeal part. The apex of the sulcus is projected backward and is marked by a small median pit, named the foramen caecum. The upper surface of the tongue has four types of papillae. Vallate papillae or maxillofacial papillae are usually about 8 to 12 in number. Each village papilla contains up to 100 tastebuds. These papillae are the largest of the four types of papillae.

The upper surface of the tongue has four types of papillae.

Filiform papillae are the smallest and most numerous of the four types. They’re found mainly near the center and majority of the upper surface of the tongue. These papillae contain tactile receptors, but not taste buds. Fungiform papillae are much less numerous than the filiform papillae. They’re rounded, but smaller compared to vallate, but larger than filiform papillae. They’re most numerous near the tip of the tongue. Each fungiform papilla contains about five tastebuds. Foliate papillae aren’t developed in human tongue. These are similar leaves and are situated at the sides of the base of the tongue. On each edge, there are four or five vertical folds.

The human tongue has four taste areas

Their tastebuds degenerate in early childhood. The human tongue has four taste areas .regions of sweet and salt can overlap. The tongue acts as an accessory digestion organ. It will help in chewing the food. It’s an organ of taste. Men have diphyodont, thecodont, and heterodont teeth. There are presently four kinds of tooth incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. They’re usually specialized for cutting. They lie instantly behind the incisors. They’re also used for cutting the food. These are called cheek tooth that is broad, strong crushing teeth. Third molars in a human being are called wisdom teeth. The latter are vestigial in human beings.
