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What is The Serious Effects of Stress on Brain Function?


Once thought of as only something that impacts overworked professionals, stress is an important contribution to heart issues, depression, sleeplessness and a whole host of other issues. But although all these are well known and well recorded, do you realize that pressure is, in fact, a significant contributing factor in memory issues and proper brain function? After the body is under profound stress, it releases a bodily hormone called cortisol that has a deep effect on your health since it immediately suppresses the immunity system. This makes a stressed individual more vulnerable to attack from viruses and germs and could cause anything from normally feeling down to complete blown influenza and heart attacks.

Stress causes the right side of your mind. The right mind is accountable for feelings and looking at the big image. It is your part. This explains why writers and artists find it nearly impossible to work when stressed since they can’t access the creative streak in them. Your left brain is accountable for studying things logically, in components as opposed to in wholes. A stressed person generally becomes fixated on particulars and little things instead of studying the big image. They could often be regarded as going over and over insignificant things, making difficulties look worse than they really. 

Stress has a profound impact on your capability to learn new things since your brain is not able to store info in the long run memory. This is mainly because learning happens when two synapses or connections between the brain cells communicate with one another. Pressure causes the release of a molecule called corticotropin that immediately interferes with the way all these synapses communicate and therefore affects your capability to learn. Paradoxically, a small stress amount can, in fact, be great for you, as it may force you to focus on the task at hand and only get on with it.

This explains why some people behave really well under pressure – their body is responding to the pressure which forces them to do well. The lesson here then is reaching a balance between consistent stress which may have health consequences and small doses of stress which may spur an individual on to perform better. Persistent stress is a risk point on all levels and is especially bad for all those individuals that already have a health problem. Using calming and meditative techniques might help center an individual and reduce stress levels significantly. Daily meditation, for instance, has been proven to have a calming impact as well as lowering the heart rate and cortisol levels within the body. An individual who meditates on a regular basis will be capable to learn faster and more efficiently, get better sleep and respond to issues with a clear and open mind.
