The anatomy of the ear represents the structural portions of the ear. This structure is divided into the outer ear, the middle ear, and the interior ear. The anatomy of the ear shows the external structure of the ear. The external ear comprises of the pinna and the external auditory canal. The pinna is referred to as the auricles. This part of the external ear is attached to the side of the head and it’s intricately formed funnel of cartilage.
The outer ear, the middle ear, and the interior ear.
The pinna helps in collecting sound vibrations near the opening of the ear. It also directs sound waves into the external auditory canal. In the meantime, the external auditory canal is a 1 inch long, S-shaped passage that’s full of air and is connected to the so-called tympanic membrane. It funnels the sound waves down the canals. This particular part of the anatomy of the ear contains natural acidity which gives protection for the ear against infections. In addition, the external auditory secretes ear wax or cerumen that protects the canal from drying out also serves as an insect repellent. The anatomy of the ear also shows the structure of the middle ear. The middle ear covers the parts which include! the tympanic membrane, the auditory ossicles that consist of the malleus, the incus and the stapes, the middle ear cavity, and, the Eustachian tube.
The tympanic membrane
The tympanic membrane is attached to the external auditory canal. This part of the anatomy of the ear approximately 1\/3 inches in diameter and is a thin, flexible and fibrous membrane. The tympanic membrane also has grey color and shaped like a cone that’s rested in a 90-degree angle in the cavity of the middle ear. The auditory ossicles of the anatomy of the ear contain the malleus, the incus, and the stapes (a small stirrup-shaped bone that’s connected to the incus and contains an oval footplate that’s connected to the oval window of another anatomy of the ear called the interior ear.
The middle ear
The middle ear cavity is another part of the anatomy of the ear. This anatomy of the ear is a cavity filled cavity that’s based in the skull‘s thick temporal bone. The 1\/3 inches long Eustachian tube provides the connection between the middle ear and the back of the nasal cavity. The oval window is part of the anatomy of the ear that connects the middle ear with the upper 50% of the cochlea. Furthermore, the round window is a membrane in the anatomy of the ear that links the bottom 50% of the cochlea.